
I am a handweaver, handspinner, and handknitter who has been fascinated with textiles all my life. Humans have been creating textiles since before recorded time and I feel connected to the ongoing chain of human existence through this medium. I am also a researcher and student of the history of textile and clothing production. As a tangible expression of culture, the preservation of historic methods of textile production (such as handweaving and handspinning) serve as a living legacy of our heritage and teaches about the culture we live in. I welcome you to join me as I continue to learn and explore....

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Two Steps Forward, Three Steps Back

Life is, indeed, what happens while we are busy making other plans!  In this case, "life happening" is that I have discovered that I have a partially torn ACL in my left knee.  And a bone bruise.  Both from an accident I had last December.  The doctor says that hopefully, with physical therapy to strengthen the muscles around the knee, I can avoid surgery.  I hope he's right because I don't relish the idea of surgery.  In the meantime, I am wearing a serious-looking brace with metal bars and hinges, held together with velcro.  The brace itself isn't terribly comfortable, but it helps keep the knee stable and I really don't want it to go out again so I'll keep wearing it. 
The "other plans" are, of course, this venture into weaving for a living.  I haven't gotten as much done as I had hoped since my last post but I can't blame that all on the knee.  There was a family birthday celebration that took me away for a couple of days, too.  I have made some progress and several napkins are woven, though the warp is still on the loom.  Honestly, I'm not sure how happy I am with them.  I'll let you be the judge when they are done and can be photgraphed with their placemats.  I should be finished weaving them in the next day or so, then I will have to "finish" (ie:  hem, wash, and press) them.  Hopefully I will have photos of completed sets to share next time I post.
In the interest if getting back to weaving, I am going to sign off for today and will post again in a week or so. 
Until then, be safe and God bless!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Never a Dull Moment...

Funny how life goes... one day you think you have it all figured out and the next thing you know, it all changes.  I'm not sure, but I think the quote is, "Life is what happens while we're busy making other plans".  That certainly fits.  You don't know it, but if you keep reading you are going to end up on a journey with me.  I don't really know where we're going yet, but I do know that it will be interesting! 
I am at the beginning of my career as a "professional handweaver".... or "artisan"... or whatever other appropriate label you might like to use.   I've been a weaver, knitter, and spinner for over two decades.  Lord!  That makes me sound old!   I sure don't feel that way, though, and I'm not.  I am excited about the future of this endeavor.  I love making textiles, and I've had success in selling them over the years.  People generally seem to like the things I make.
So, why am I here, writing this blog?   Well, I'm reading a book.  Books are another love, so I expect that I will be talking about them on here, too.  I'll try to keep it related to textiles as much as possible.  The book I'm reading is The Handmade Marketplace by Kari Chapin. I'm including a link because, honestly, I think it's an outstanding book. I've started other businesses, read other "starting your crafts business" books, and watched other family members start businesses, plus I have a degree in business, so I'm no stranger to this stuff.   This book, however, is one of the best I've read so far on starting a business specifically focused on craft.  And, this book is why I'm right here, right now, writing to you ~ she strongly recommends blogging.   I never in my wildest dreams thought I would ever write a blog. Really. I find myself interested in and inspired by others' blogs, and never thought I would find myself writing one but here I am.  She (and all the others that contribute) knows what she's talking about, so I'm doing it. 
Ok, so that's the reason I'm writing the blog.  So, what I am doing to start this business?  Well.... right now I'm building inventory (ie:  weaving!) and getting both my Etsy shop (http://www.etsy.com/shop/KarenASmith) and this blog up and running.  And trying to get my workroom organized.  Designing!  And creating inventory for an art fair that I have committed to attend in November.  I'll post more info on that as the time gets closer.
I've been away from weaving due to other commitments for a couple of months now, but have spent the last two days in the workroom organizing, getting inspired, and warping the loom.   The warp that is currently on the loom will grow up to be coordinating napkins for a set of cotton placemats I wove last fall.  I'll post pictures somewhere where you can see them when they're done.  Projects on deck:  'French - country' inspired yellow, blue, and white checked kitchen towels; what I'm thinking of as "the husband towel" in ketchup red, mustard yellow, and brown (think about it....); and a lightweight rayon scarf in blue and pink.  I'll keep you posted. 
Well, that'll do for a first post.  I plan to update this at least once a week so we'll chat again then!   Until then, be safe and God bless!