After looking around the website, being me, I had to check out the on-line shopping to see what they had available. Imagine my surprise (not to mention my excitement!) when I found this:
Plimoth Plantation is pleased to introduce our exclusive line of 100% wool yarn. “New Plimoth Worsted” is spun in the National Historic Landmark village of Harrisville, New Hampshire by Harrisville Designs. The color palette is designed by Plimoth Plantation matching colors produced using natural dyestuffs of the 17thc. Period colors names such as gray “Rat’s Colour” and yellow “Maidenhair” describe each shade. packaged in 2 oz, 100 yd skeins."Ok, I am a true history geek because I nearly squealed out loud over this. Yes, I know I can get similar colors with natural dyestuffs in my own backyard, but this is from Plimouth Plantation! In historic colors! Spun by Harrisville! Omgomgomgomg!!! I have GOT to have some of this. It may have to wait until after Christmas, but I still MUST have this yarn. Along with the historical patterns they have for sale on the same site: