
I am a handweaver, handspinner, and handknitter who has been fascinated with textiles all my life. Humans have been creating textiles since before recorded time and I feel connected to the ongoing chain of human existence through this medium. I am also a researcher and student of the history of textile and clothing production. As a tangible expression of culture, the preservation of historic methods of textile production (such as handweaving and handspinning) serve as a living legacy of our heritage and teaches about the culture we live in. I welcome you to join me as I continue to learn and explore....

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Life keeps bringing challenges....

But that builds character, right?!?  Ah, well.... one of the current challenges is that I haven't had internet at home for about a month now, which is why you haven't heard from me.  It's a long story, and I am (right now, this very minute) posting from the library computer so am just going to stop here.  I did want you to know why I have been so quiet ~ it hasn't been all holiday stuff.  Hope everyone has had happy holidays and will have a very blessed New Year!