So, what does all this have to do with textiles? Interestingly, a good bit. As I mentioned above, I helped move three truck pickup truck loads of hay on Saturday. Now, I haven't done any haying since I was a teenager, but I remembered how hay can make you itch so I wore a long sleeved cotton turtleneck, jeans, socks, and sneakers. Oh, yeah, and gloves... but those were leather. I topped it off with a fleece vest, because it was a little chilly. So, big deal, right? Well, I found out in no time that fleece was a poor choice ~ the hay loves to stick to it. A better choice would have been a sweatshirt ~ pretty sure the hay wouldn't have stuck quite as much. Jeans, on the other hand, were the best thing I could've worn. Sturdy, smooth (no hay sticking here!) and comfortable. I wore jeans again when I went for my walk in the woods on Sunday afternoon. Same benefits: sturdy, comfortable, and brambles, branches, and briars didn't stick. In addition to the jeans, I wore a long sleeved t-shirt, a cowl that I had knit last year (chilly again), gloves, and a fleece jacket. I'm sure at this point you are saying "big deal" again and wondering what the point of all this is...
It got me thinking about jeans. They've become the ubiquitous ( garment of our time. Do you think Levi Strauss ever imagined that they would become so popular? I doubt it. Originally, they were work clothes. In fact, Levi Strauss originally marketed them as "waist overalls" (ie: overalls without a bib). I did a little digging out of curiosity, and found that they didn't come into regular use for everyday wear until after James Dean popularized them in Rebel Without A Cause. After that, they became the garment for rebellious teenagers and there was no stopping their creep into modern-day mainstream life. The fabric that jeans are made of has been around for much longer, though. In fact, I wove denim twill as a sample in one of the 18th century weave structures classes I have taken at the John C. Campbell Folk School ( Ahhh... so, what's twill, you say? Ok, at least you non-weavers may be saying that... Twill is a fabric that is woven so that the weft threads (the "back and forth" threads) pass over one or more warp threads (the "straight" threads that are attached to the loom) and then under two or more warp threads. In what is referred to as a 'straight twill' this creates a "step" pattern that is characteristic of twill fabric.

I feel naked if I leave the house without my camera. In college, I got used to carrying a sketchbook on trips; sketching forced me to SEE what I was looking at, and I got addicted to it. Now that I no longer have that leisure, the camera is my substitute. I walk rather than drive, and my eyes are constantly roving, noticing, and trying to frame what I see. I have also learned to take photos as they strike me; if I think I'm too busy and will catch it tomorrow, chances are that same flower will have already lost its luster. I'm also not content to take photos for my own pleasure only--can't wait to post them and share them immediately! In other words, I hear what you're saying, Karen.
ReplyDeleteAs for denim, I'd never given a thought to the weave of the fabric, and assumed that "denim" referred to the color only. Love to be educated--thanks!